NDS – Pet Adoption Center (USA) (2009) 32.03MB
Publisher: UbisoftDeveloper: Ubisoft
Genre: Virtual Life, Simulator
Region: USA
Description: Care for and help find new homes for all the animals at Sunflower Pet Adoption Center. Nestled in a large, one of a kind outdoor facility, it’s the perfect mix of outdoor and indoor pet accommodations. As the manager of the center, you will take care of a variety of loveable pets including cats, dogs, bunnies, hamsters, guinea pigs and even baby horses and deer.
* All Kinds of Pets: The adoption center has all kinds of animals in need of yourlove and attention – from cats and dogs to bunnies, hamsters, guinea pigs, fillies and deer. It is a big family, but everyone needs your love.
* Keep the AnimalsHealthy and Happy: Play with the animals to keep their spirits up, as well as feed and brush them to maintain their health.
* Just like a Real Adoption Center: Meet with guests at the visitors’ desk, completeresearch in the office and play with all the animals in their pens and stables. Pet Adoption Center puts gamers in the heart of all the fun and action.
* Interact with Animals Using the Stylus and Voice Commands: Control your character and interact with the animals by writing simple commands with the DS stylus or speaking basic verbal commands.
*Learn to Match Pets With the Best Families : It is a big responsibility, but no one knows the animals better than you. Learn to match visiting families with the perfect pet so everyone goes home happy
* All Kinds of Pets: The adoption center has all kinds of animals in need of your
* Keep the Animals
* Just like a Real Adoption Center: Meet with guests at the visitors’ desk, complete
* Interact with Animals Using the Stylus and Voice Commands: Control your character and interact with the animals by writing simple commands with the DS stylus or speaking basic verbal commands.
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